Tea-Flavored Vegan Frosting

Vegetable Gelling Agent Tea-Flavored Vegan Frosting  SOSA
Tea-Flavored Vegan Frosting


500 g Earl Grey Tea-Infused Water*
60 g Caster sugar
15 g SOSA Vegetable Gelling Agent

Mix all the ingredients together while cold, then bring to the boil.
Ice at 140-150°F (60-65°C).

IMPORTANT: This gelatin does not behave the same way as animal-based gelatin.

Earl Grey Tea-Infused Water


35g Earl Grey tea
620g Water

Infuse the tea in the hot water.

Philippe Givre
Chef’s tip
Philippe Givre

Do not coat products if they have reached -20°F (-30°C), as the gel will become brittle and opaque.
Ideal temperature: 0 to -4°F (-18 to -20°C).